IT Recruitment for C-suite role

Our client needed to find a Global Chief Information Officer to lead their IT teams across the globe.

lady with arms open in a field

The challenge

SFI Health is a rapidly changing natural healthcare company with IT functions across the globe. They were in search of a Global Chief Information Officer (CIO) who could lead all of their strategic initiatives and who could help them digitally transform the organisation, as well as stay relevant with today’s constantly shifting marketplace.

This new role would be responsible for ensuring greater IT security and streamlining data management usage throughout the organisation, and across the regions.

About SFI Health

Industry: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Company size: 201-500 employees
H/Q Location: NSW
Role type required:

Top skills required

Client feedback


luvo Talent was engaged to fill a key role in our organisation, and they facilitated with ease. They provided us with the calibre of candidate we were looking for, someone who would be able to work within this type of senior position like it is their own. ​

luvo showed understanding from day one because they knew how important it was that whoever filled the Global CIO role aligned perfectly with all aspects of what we are trying to achieve here.​

It was a wonderful and smooth process from start to finish and Philip was a pleasure to deal with.


Global Head of HR


older couple holding hands and laughing

The solution

Leveraging luvo Talent’s broad network of senior IT professionals, the team was able to put together a shortlist of candidates very quickly. Following a thorough screening process, five well-qualified candidates were shortlisted.

Beyond simply IT recruitment, luvo worked as part of the SFI Health’s team to organise and facilitate the interview process. Interviews involved senior employees from across the globe, including the CEO, Chairman, and company owner.

The outcome

luvo provided a highly qualified Senior IT Executive who fitted this global company’s progressive culture and vision; to revolutionise their global digital transformation plans. Based at the SFI Health head office in Sydney, the new Global CIO was able to hit the ground running and has mobilised the IT teams across the globe.

SFI Health now has one voice leading the way with regard to how technology is used at every level of the business. This integral role will help shape the company’s future success.


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